Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a therapeutic form of bodywork that focuses on releasing tension in deeper layers of muscle and connective tissues. It can be used to treat chronic conditions, manage a big training block and provide relief from everyday aches and pains.

Deep Tissue Massage works by applying pressure into specific areas which helps release restrictions within muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue, allowing more oxygenated blood flow throughout these areas resulting in improved mobility & circulation overall – something we could all benefit from.

The main benefits associated with deep tissue massage include:

  •  Increased circulation which helps flush out toxins from the body's tissues

  •  Improved flexibility in joints due to increased range of motion 

  •  Reduced muscular tension caused by stress or injury 

  •  Relief from chronic pain conditions like ITB syndrome, shoulder impingement or sciatica 

    At its core, deep tissue massages are designed to reduce pain while providing relaxation at the same time. This makes it an excellent choice for anyone looking for relief from muscle aches and pains, brought on by a chronic condition or a big training block. Additionally, if your goal is overall health improvement rather than just relaxation then this type of therapy may be exactly what you need! Not only does it provide relief but also encourages healing within your muscles through improved blood flow throughout your entire body – something regular Swedish massages can't do alone

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

What our Clients Say

“Highly recommended - Braam helped me on my road to recovery from complete upper back / muscle spasm restricting my ability to even sit up straight, or sleep. Improvements after the first session.”

Kristian C

During your session you may experience pressure or discomfort as the therapist works deeply into your muscles - this should never become painful though! The sensation often feels good after the initial pressure has been applied, providing relief from tightness or pain. You may also notice an increase in flexibility during treatment as areas are released which were previously held tightly together by tension

We will take a full history before beginning treatment so that we can tailor it specifically for you based on what needs attention most urgently at that time; this might include trigger point therapy (which involves applying sustained pressure onto specific points within muscles) or fascial release (which involves stretching out fascia –the thin layer between skin & muscle).

Will a Deep Tissue Massage Hurt?